Formatting text with font SWF and CSS files

I need to populate a dynamic text field with data from an XML file. The data looks like this:

<headline2 width="500">
<![CDATA[<span class="Headline">you <span class="boldHeadline">ca</span>n</span> ]]> 

The span classes “Headline” and “boldHeadline” come from a CSS file:

.Headline {
 font-family: "CA Sans";
 font-family: "CA Sans Bold";
 font-size: 38px;

So basically I need to load a font from a SWF file, then parse a CSS file and get the correct entries for the text field, then assign those entries to the text being pushed to that text field. I have the external SWF files for the fonts and am loading those files. How do I do the rest?