Forms - easy question

ok I am making a login using php/MSQL which is not the problem,
after the client types in there name and password how would I clear the text areas on hitting submit without clearing it from carrying over to check and make sure there a member?

thanks for any help…

I don’t really get what your saying. Can you explain better?

ok my bad i forgot to set it up better i got 3 frames (banner, main, contents) in the banner frame i have a form with 2 txt feilds that uses the action to goto a .php which checks the username and password from a database which is therefor displayed into the main frame, leaving the banner frame as is with password and username chilling in the text fields still. What i want to know is there a way to clear this after submit without clearing it so it cannot be checked by the php to continue loggin into the database. The only reason this matters is so if someone doesnt delete there username and pw then the next dummy to use the computer can log right in or should i skip using frames so it leaves the text entry all togeather.

function checkFields() {
    if (form.check.value == "") { 

Then in your body where the submit button used to be replace it with this:
<input type="button" onclick="checkFields()" value="submit or whatever u want it to say">

where it says if (form.check.value…
You need to replace that with the text box name where the username is or whatever. What this will do is reload the frame with the input boxes in it so that they will be cleared.