is there a way to download more or something? just curious
not sure about vb, I think so. has something like that, but only if Kirupa downloads, installs and then allows the user to choose them…
and besides i like the layout. why change it ? Kirupa makes efforts to upload new smilies - redisign the site and sutff. But hey - why not ?
Personally I wouldn’t mind new skins, although I wouldn’t use them
I’ve grown accustomed to this skin (heck, I made all the icons), so if the skin changed, it wouldn’t feel like home anymore :sure:
yeah, i know what you’re saying.
same thing would happen to me, i’d like being able to change the skin, but wouldn’t because i like this one
its not that i dont like this layout (i do very much) and i’m very much aware of how much effort was put into it, i was just curious how it worked
More skins would be cool, Kirupaaa?
If no one else used any of the others, it’d make people appreciate this one more hehe :beam:
Which makes me think of a scandel! Mwaha :bad:
Ok Kirupa work with me here, hear me out…
We make a new layout, with hot pink and lime green and tiny white lettering that nobody can hardly read. Obviously everyone will hate it and then cry out for the old layout. We change it back to this one. Everyones happy and go…
“Ahhh at last we’re back to this lovely nice layout, actually it is very lovely mmm strokes layout”
Just like that! I’m a genious! :beam:
- Soul :s:
ok…im scared…
I think you need to go get laid or something… :sigh:
playamarz ~ :player: