I’m near completion on my hosting company venture. It’s a 1 man job, and I’ve come a long way, now it’s time to provide some staff. I’ll be in need of several staff members to check the forums periodically, and answer support tickets. At this point in time, there aren’t a lot of questions to answer, but there will be.
Also, promotions are a great thing. I’m offering good deals on promotions. If you can effectively advertise my business, I will reward you handsomely.
If you are interested in either offer, please, AIM me at WHFFSupport or ComradeFidel. Or if you are an email person: derek@willhostforfood.com If you require a paid salary, this is really not the job for you. I will provide you with extravagent hosting favors, and in some cases, design.
Don’t be afraid to ask, this is a rare opportunity!