Forums slowing down

It it just me or are the phorums being freaky ? I’ve had a hell of a time trying to even display this page. It is loading very slow compared to other times I’ve already been here. Is it just me or are any of you experiencing this too ?

yeah, they are running a little slow. Probably something to do with the host. I’m sure they’ll be better later today. :slight_smile:

I noticed that they were running really slow too, event akes a few times to open a page sometimes

one time (last week?) the whole thing went to pot. I couldn’t access the forums at all!


they are running kind of slow, but as jubba said, its probally something to do with the host :slight_smile:

Yeah, well you should have been here a couple of months ago when everything was horrible. They kept getting mysql errors and the users had trouble connecting to the database… Not fun… forum was down for hours at a time each day… terrible…

i remember that, when it kept going down. that was horriable. but considering it has not gone done for along time, its all going good.

Hehe - they were slow for a while as well; things seem to have picked back up now :slight_smile:

Yep, everything’s workin’ fine & smooth now :slight_smile: