Fossil fuel

its simple, but i like it. the music player is the coolest i think.

I love it ask! Has a nice layout, menu is just awesome, and the content is fun to read (I.E. your weblog). Do you still offer those foolish profiles?

Its simple and neat ask, good job.


Whats this website ask?

A while ago, I used to have like my own profile that had guestbook and things. Friends of mine wanted it, cause they hated the ads on other services so I made mine public.

Its just a server for AIM profiles, and AIM Blogs. Check it out, there free.

Pretty cool, good job!

btw, i registered as h88. :slight_smile:

Nice site ask.

omg i dig your site so much! such a good job! you say its not Eye Candy but it is, this is like the perfect site! good job!

how do u make a flash site like that when u click a button on your navi it comes on the same page how do u do that

I used dynamic text boxes. Nothing fancy, just a php form that writes to txt files and that is loaded by the flash using the loadVariables() function.

hey ask,

How did you stream the music without degrading quality?..
also, how did you do that progress bar (for caching) and current position?.. please teach… thanks…

Ask, you should set the body color of your page to white cause it defualits to light blue on my computer. Other then that, it looks great. I also would like to know how you did your music progress bar, thats neat. =)

electrongeek - I’ll look into it. It shouldn’t be doing that.

But, the music player:
Well currently there are 30 or so tracks on it. The way the player works is that it creates a random playlist, use pretty straight forward while loops

total_songs = 31;
songlist = new Array();
n = 1;
while (total_songs>=n) {
	ok = true;
	rnumber = random(total_songs)+1;
	for (r=1; total_songs>=r; r++) {
		if (rnumber == songlist[r]) {
			ok = false;
	if (ok) {
		songlist[n] = rnumber;

Creating the swf’s by hand would have been a *****, so I created a CPP app that generated the swfs from everything in a folder. Its actaully simpler creating that then it sounds. Around 600 lines of code. But you don’t need to do that, I just did that for conviences sake.

The progress bar is nothing complicated either:

_root.playing._xscale = (100/*;
_root.loaded._xscale = (100/*;

And then for the fast forward and rewind, by clicking. (Its a movie clip)

onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
	if (hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse)) {
		a = ( );*(_xmouse)));

It may seems a bit confusing, message me on AIM at Ask2k3 if you have an questions

Thanks Ask, I’ll definitely use experiment with this and thanks for the generous codes. Some people would keep it to themselves. =)

Maybe I should try for SOTW. I think I will


I love your music player! Two questions:

  1. How did you get the music to play almost right away with no wait while loading? " I have streamed in Flash before and I still don’t get this to happen.

2.How did you get such excellent sound out of your .swf while streaming it?

I created a player for my friend to help him get his demo music out at:

I really want to do what you did here.

Thanks in advance for your help, you are an inspiration!


Excellent job.
No words.

p.s. Sound is a littlebit to heavy for 56k, but that isn’t so big problem. Did you try to use some soundloops (30-90 Kb)?

The whole point of the music play, was not to have to use sound loops. There are about 37-38 tracks on the system.

I stream the music at 128-192 kbs, depending on whatever bit rate I ripped the CD at, thus the nice sound quality.