Frame labels in array

I need help!

I have a movie clip which contains 5 frame labels : one,two,three,four,five
And I have next and prev button to move around

I have put them in an array and using for loop to call them
but it jumps straightly to frame label ‘four’ instead of reading one by one.
I tried to find the problem by using trace (this.currentLabel)
and apparently, it traced out fine like it works from
frameLabel"one", “two” to frameLabel “five”

I can’t find what exactly the problem is
Here’s my code for a clear understanding what I’m trying to say

var instruction_array:Array=new Array(“one”,“two”,“three”,“four”,“five”);

instruction_mc.next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onNext);

function onNext(e:Event):void {
for(var i:int=0;i<instruction_array.length;i++){
if(instruction_mc.currentLabel ==“five”) {
instruction_mc.next_btn.visible = false;


Help will be so much appreciated