Frame Labels

I’m creating a Web site that I want to put my resume and portfolio on as different Flash applications. For my resume it would be like a mini-web site that has various linking buttons to different pages. I tried to use scenes b/c I had a professor who told us to use scenes to create our pages/animations, and the scenes concept did not work with the actionscripting. I then read online that scenes were not the way to go.

So I’m trying to use Frame Labels to create this - right now I made a menu movie clip that I have my actionscript in for each button - the buttons have the correct instance names and I have my frames properly labeled with their movie clips attached to each for each part of the resume/page portion.

This is the code I’m using in the MENU movie clip.

The problem I’m having is that when I click on each button - nothing happens!

I tried this one, and nothing happened:

education.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, educationCLICK);
function educationCLICK(event:MouseEvent):void{

and then I tried to re-order it and nothing happened:

function educationCLICK(event:MouseEvent):void{
education.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, educationCLICK);

So, if anyone could help me troubleshoot this I would greatly appreciate it. I’m fairly new to Flash/ActionScript.