Hello, I have 2 questions.
I am haveing trouble designing my web page. The thing is i read about tables and frames on the forum. I know what frames are but i dont really understand tables.
Here is my question, I want to do my web site in frames, I want it to have a Top, Middle, And bottom. The place i want to load and change when they click on a button is in the midlle part of the frame. Can somebody help me or tell me where i could learn how to do that and where i could learn what are tables and how to use them.
thank you very much.
i am using dreamweaver mx
I have a layout of the web site on paper but i want to make the layout on dreamweaver
*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**well if you post a screenshot of your frames maybe i can makie it for you in tables and i can try to explain a bit for you
:run: russianbeer still no time to make the tables tutorial **
ive been trying to but i have no time Digital im too busy working and going to college and im practicing maya on my freeweekends when i dont have my kids, but i finish college the 21 of august :beam: cant wait
if your using flash theres no need to use frames you can just load movie clips into a target sort of like frames but diffrent, you cannot do this with tables if thats what you meant so maybe i misunderstood you anyways let me know what is it youre really trying to do
<p><font face=“Tahoma” size=“2”><table border=“0” cellpadding=“0” cellspacing=“0"
style=“border-collapse: collapse” bordercolor=”#111111" width="100%"
<td width=“33%” rowspan=“2”> </td>
<td width=“33%”> </td>
<td width=“34%”> </td>
<td width=“33%”> </td>
<td width=“34%”> </td>
this code will more than likely need to be manipulated to work for what you are doing but i figured you can paste this in there and try to play around with it untill you get it right. (Which is probably how everyone in here learned but if its still to complicated i will explain and help more just ask.