I’m experiencing a strange phenomenon with my movie. Here’s the scenario:
The main timeline has 3 frames. Each frame has a register button, a contact button and a home button.
Frame 1 contains a movieclip that initially runs and is triggered on release of the home button.
Frame 2 contains a movie clip that is triggered on release of the contact button.
Frame 3 contains a movie that is triggered on release of the register button.
I have stop(); statements at the end of the movieclips on frame 2 and 3. The movie clip on frame 1 loops.
Each button runs the correct movie clip when pressed the first time but when pressed a second time each button runs the next movie clip in “line”.
eg. If I click contact it goes to contact movie clip and plays it and stops. From within contact_mc , if I click the contact button, MOVIE CLIP 1 on the main timeline plays!!!
I have specified _root.gotoAndPlay for each button event, so shouldn’t it always play the corresponding frame on the main timeline?
I don’t know if this is clearly explained, but I sure would appreciate some feedback.