Frames question

hey, i have an image of something that is all done but i want to have like frames of scorable text where i want them. I tried using the slice tool to slice things up and output them into html but all i can do is delete the pictures and i can’t put text on them. Something that has like scrollable text right down the center with navigation on the left and right? How do i do this?

Umm… Care to explain this a little better? Maybe a small screenshot done in Photoshop?

marz: I think he means like

Ahh… You mean… An iFRAME?

They are nice… But can be a pain in the arse too man… I’ll reitterate this when I get some sleep tonight… Good Night.

OK this is my layout, I want to have text in all the gray grided areas. Such as where it says submenu, IP address, and obsidian hosting, I want them all to be editable links, and I want a text box so i can put all our information with a scrollbar in the Obsidian Hosting part.

you can do that with scrolling divs or with frames or even with iframes…If you are using DW just go to the help files and look up frames. also Iframes. Google search also with give you plenty of tuts. If you just want the content within the box to scroll and not the entire left side. Then just place a Div in a td cell set its size clip and overflow and you are good to go.

I need a little more explanatin. I read up on DIV elements but I’m still a little confused. In GoLive do I just drag a floating text box over or exactly how would I do this? I already had my table layed out and everything.

DIV elements are an excellent way to do it… But you need some JavaScripting experience then…

iFRAMES would be the way to go… But I really hate using them also… lol… Hmm… Lemme think aboput this and see which way would be more stable for you to use.

ok i think I got this under control, I just did it with Iframes. Thanks for all the helps guys. you can check it out at when I’m finished

Nice layout!

thanks, it should be completed tonight because I just really need to get the site up, I’m doing it all in flash now. The load sequences are nothing amzazing but oh well…

I dont think you need Javascript to scroll a DIV. But I am glad you figured it out.

yeah, i just cheated and did the whole thing in flash

DDD… Not to scroll it… But when you want to use links to show information in them you would… You wouldn’t wnat the entire page loading all that graphcis everytime… SO you’d set up… onCLick inline handlers on the button images so that when they are clicked it displays different information in the DIV element fields.