Free Events Calendar component

hi everyone.

i’ve developed a Version 2 Events Calendar component that will accept multiple, non-continuous days (which the DateChooser component does not do). i just finished it and i wanted to give it to you all as thanks for helping me so much this last month on this forum.

in particular I’d like to thank the following people, without whom this project would never have been completed. i’m indebted to you all:

**prophet, cycom, bodyvisual, thoriphes, claudio, scriptflipper, hga77, senocular, e.s.x.s., and mcgiver. **

i’ve learned so much from all of you.

now to the component. please don’t yell at me for not packaging this as an .mxp. i tried and well, failed…

open up the attached zip file:
EventsCalendar.swc and go here:
Program Files --> Macromedia --> Flash MX2004 --> en --> Configuration --> Components.

activity.xml needs to be on the same level and in the same folder as the .fla you’re putting this in.

activity.xml is where you put the dates in. open up the file and you’ll see how i did it. i marked the dates i wanted highlighted and then put in the url where you get taken when you click on that date.

thanks again to those who helped me. if you have any questions, please let me know.

p.s. you’ll want to skin this – i focused on the programming, not the design. you’ll see.

best. – fumeng.

I haven’t downloaded yet, but is this only for MX2004?

thanks for the mention :slight_smile: shame i cant see your work tho! (im on FMX) but ifu wanna package to .mxp…

very easy to understand and do… if u need to make up xml bits just copy the format of other extensions xml files :wink: but sounds like u no how 2 xml…


yes, it is only for mx2004 – i think…

but i’ll package it as an .mxp when i get to work tomorrow and repost it. prophet, as an mxp it’ll work for mx??

ok. try this. i made some small updates and then i packaged it as an .mxp. that creator you sent me is real cool.

i’m still not sure if it’ll work for MX users but give it a try.

the activity.xml file that is attached needs to be on the same level and in the same folder as the .fla you’re throwing this into. this xml is also the file where you change the dates and urls to make it your own.

let me know how it works.


Nice job fumeng. It came out real nice!

thanks deQue, i appreciate that. i gave you credit on i didn’t realize you frequent this site as well.

No prob. Wasn’t doing it for the credit anyway.

great lil programme that aint it :slight_smile: i think it was sen who posted a link to it in anovr forum but i could b very wrong :S

fraid u need FMX2k4 or higher to install the product mate :frowning:

still, soujnds good2me! :stuck_out_tongue:


hey prophet. i just saw on the flashcoders list that a new version of that muzak mxi creator seems to be out. you might want to check his site.

cool, will do - thanks go 2 u fumeng :wink: lol
