Free PHP access

does any1 know where i can find free PHP access im absolutely skint and dont really wanna pay for it anyway. or if sum1 wants to let me use like 0.1mb of there space i need to make a contact form in flash and PHP is the only way i know how to do it unless any1 knows of another that will be able to run on my aol space or geocities

much appreciated


well, try at;
click on the link ‘build a site’;

register and you won’t regret it…
you’ll have even mysql (one database) and phpMyAdmin installed… and a lot of features besides that…

oh… and have i told any1 that the webspace avaible will be 50MB ? :wink:

awsome site fusion, thx alot !! =) =) =)

heh… no problem :wink:

if any1 else knows any other free php host, he/she is my guest to write down here a link