Free Transform on a movieClip at runtime: Is that possible?

Hi Guys,

Does anyone know if there is a function or a script out there that can allow you to perform free transform on a movie clip instance at runtime, i.e. Similar to what happens when you click on instance and stage and select the free transform tool from flash’s toolset?

I have attempted to add my own movie clip transformation points to an object in the following script, in the hope of attaching some onMouseDown events for scaling of the selected instance based on the mouse position:

function clipTransform(inputCloneMC:MovieClip):Void {
    var newMC:MovieClip = inputCloneMC;
    newMC.onPress = function() {

        // loop is going to add three edit/transformation points
        // in the x direction at the top of the selected movie clip.
        // Note: this is just a start, I intend on adding the other transform points
        // through nesting of loops, and using positive and negative values for xEdit
        // for direction
        for (var i=0; i<3; i++) {
            var xEditPt = 0; // Get the first point
            var xMidPt = newMC._width/2; // Get the halfway point
            var xLasPt = newMC._width;   // Get the last point
            this.attachMovie("Edit_point", "edit_mc"+i, 
                         this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:xEditPt});
            var editMC:MovieClip = eval("edit_mc"+i);
            xEditPt = xMidPt;
            xMidPt = xLastPt;
    NewMC.onRelease = function() {

If anybody can help, or suggest a better solution, it would be much appreciated.

Many thanks