[Freelance] 3d . Web . Interactive . Motion . Logo Design

Hi, I am a Melbourne based Multimedia Designer. While I am in the process of searching a full-time job, I am eager to find some freelance job.

Available for freelance work ( 3d . Web . Interactive . Motion . Logo design )

My Online Portfolio is viewable at [COLOR=#800080]www.absholute.com[/COLOR]
My Showreel is viewable at [COLOR=#0000ff]showreel.absholute.com[/COLOR]
My Resume/CV is downloadable [COLOR=#800080]here[/COLOR]

If there’s any queries or any possible potential of interest in any of my services. Do not hesitate to contact me on 0433162182 or **[U][COLOR=#0000ff]robertwijaya@gmail.com[/COLOR][/U]**


[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Hi,
I’m Marco from Italy.
I want to create a cube 3d menu like the storyboard like this one.

Can you give me a solution and how much I spend for this? (I can pay you with paypal)

The cube is not with hard angle but with smooth (see the image)
Every good idea for the movement (cube and faces) are accepted.
What you need to create the cube? (I have vector and bitmap image for each face)

[/FONT]Please contact me to
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]
Best regard.