Freelance - how much to charge?

hi all,
i’m going to go freelance (aswell as my day job!), and response has been immediate. People are asking me how much I charge, and I dont really know (hadnt thought that far yet!). Does anyone have any suggestions? I’ll be doing design work and basic server side scripting, bit of flash, the usual stuff.
I live in Devon in England, so I cant get away with charging london prices.
many thanks

  • G

Obviously it depends a lot upon what you’re asked to do, but in general a good designer out here SHOULD be making 60 - 70 USD per hour. Now many of us are settling for less these days in the tough economy… and that is something to keep in mind.

This question has been asked a million times here. Bang the search button and see what you get back.

charge whatever you feel your work is worth.