Freelance: Simple Worms Game

[FONT=verdana, courier new,courier,tahoma,sans-serif][SIZE=2]Hello there,

I’m looking for a Flash/ActionScript developer with game-development
experience to make me a very simple Worms clone. You should be familiar with
the game “Worms”.

Here’s what it needs to have:

-2 players, turn based
-simple UI
-great looking graphics (if you think you could make the game, but don’t
have the artistic talent, we can talk about bringing on an artist that I’ll
pay for. no problem.)
-only a few different guns… I’m thinking grenade, baseball bat, shotgun.
Maybe a few others
- instead of the other guns, put a question mark icon to indicate they
will be unlocked later
-only one level, well-designed so that either player has a fair chance at
-four or so “worms” per team
-a score system for points

The characters themselves don’t have to be worms (maybe they could be
slimeballs or something). Be creative.

Please include in your reply:

  • an estimate of how much this would cost
  • how quick you could get this done by
  • a link to your flash portfolio

Thanks! Please email “zackster[@]” if you are available