I’ve got a movie that loads a movieClip which has several comboboxes and listboxes in it.
After figuring out that I needed to lockroot my loaded mc so that the components worked, now I’m fighting the battle to remove the focus areas so those green rectangles don’t stay active.
I managed to set up listeners for most of the components (side question here…is there a way to set up one listener for several components just to remove the focus??), and got everything working EXCEPT…
I can’t get rid of the green rectangle on the dropdown for the comboboxes!!
I’m removing the focus from the combobox itself with the following:
var bag_cbListener:Object = new Object();
this.bag_cb.addEventListener("change", bag_cbListener);
bag_cbListener.change = function() {
bag_cb.dropdown.drawFocus="";//this doens't seem to affect the dropdown at all
and I’ve tried to set up a listener specifically for the dropdown, but that didn’t work…
I put the files up at http://www.brianwpiper.com/combobox.zip and you can see the problem if you run the test.swf, which loads in the testCB.swf.
edit added…
I had thought that I had fixed the problem on the one listbox I had also, but then I scrolled the list, which apparently isn’t handled within the “change” function, so now I guess I need ANOTHER listener to handle the scrolling…this seems a little crazy…