whenever I use the fscommand for the projector I can’t seem to disable the resize. I can disable the menu using “showmenu” but not so with “allowscale”. If it helps any I am using FMX. Can someone please help?
[AS]Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;[/AS]
That does it for FMX.
And I believe to “hide” the menu it is [AS]Stage.showMenu = false;[/AS]
I have actually tried that as well but no luck. I still get the resize handles.
I think you’ll get the resize handles no matter what. But the script lost posted will prevent your movie from stretching out when the window is rescaled. I could be wrong though…
yeah unfortuneately it still stretches. Any other suggestions?
I just tested it, my stuff doesn’t resize when I set scaleMode to noScale. The window is still resizeable, I don’t think there is a way to stop that, but as EG said, setting it to noScale will prevent scaling, it will just position your content in the center.