Hi, I want to save variables to txt file. I have found that this can be done by using the FSCommand save (undocumented command). The problem is im not sure how to do it. Can someone give me a quick tutorial on how to setup a variable then export it to txt.
ah, i don’t think you can actually do that with FSCommandSave, since it saves all the variables in a certain timeline to textfile. To achieve what you’re trying to do you will need to use a server-side script of some sort (and that would write files only on the server, not the client’s machine)…
If it doesn’t have to be an actual textfile, you can use flash’s SharedObjects
actually ive just worked it out. It can be done but only in Flash 5 (im using MX). Went to another PC and tried it with Flash 5 and it works. It imports everything i type into the input box.