Fscommand("showmenu", false);

for some reason… This script as well as the variations:
fscommand(“showmenu”, “false”);
fscommand(showmenu, false);
fscommand(“showMenu”, “false”);

are all not working for me… Why is this…?

Are you sure you’re using it on a projector? :beam:

If you’re not, use this:[AS]Stage.showMenu = false;[/AS]

:beam: :beam: :beam:

Thank you VERY much…

This is the game I’m working on BTW…

What exactly is a projector…as in an exe file?

cuz i can never get the allowscale (set to false) to work…:frowning:

Yeah a Projector file is an .exe… kirupa.com - Projector Commands

I have read that tutorial again and again…it never works…I’ll give it another go

Make sure you placed the actions on a frame and not an object on stage.

please have a look at this


Check thread.