I’m using the fscommand function in a CD I’ve made, but I’m still running into some problems. Mainly, fscommand() won’t work.
I’ve checked the help ofcourse, and it says that fscommand only runs in a subfolder called “fscommand”. To keep files organised, I’ve made some subfolders in the fscommand folder. Doesn’t fscommand() run in those subfolders? It’s kind of necessary :puzzled:
what code do u need? fscommand have following commands:
fscommand(“fullscreen”); - fullscreen mode
fscommand(“showmenu”); - shows menu
fscommand(“allowscale”); - change scale
fscommand(“exec”); - execute any exe file
fscommand(“quit”"); - quit flash
Yes, I know I’m using fscommand(“exec”).
Problem solved btw. I’ve put the files in the rootlevel of the “fscommand” folder, that way I can just run them, instead of going inside a folder and try to run the files there (which is impossible).
Joene… I think I love you. I’ve been hitting my head against this freaking Flash wall all day only to finally read your post and realise that everything needs to be in the root fscommand folder! It’s so simple and so positively crap all at once.
So, please rest easy tonight knowing that you’ve made my day a little brighter… and my project possible.