i’ve got the same problems as scotta down there.
i followed the “making a full flash site” tutorial
and everything is in place the way it should be.
…well. probably not. since it’s not working.
but anyhow.
i’ve checked and rechecked the coding
and i can’t figure out why it’s not working.
im pretty sure its not in my actionscript.
it must be something wrong with
the swf im trying to load in the contents movie clip.
here’s how my site works.
( like any other flash site )
it starts in index.swf
in the index.swf there is a movie clip called navclip
which is called to play on mouseover of another button (i was trying to create a menu that would appear on mouseover)
so inside navclip there are buttons, which, when clicked,
should call up the external swf’s into my contents clip (called “stuff” ) on the main stage.
this is my coding for those buttons:
on (release) {
that looks very correct to me.
it duNNN work.
is it because there’s something wrong with my
ive spent hours trying to figure this out already.
if ANYONE. could point me in ANY direction.
I would greatly appreciate it.
if there are any of you who are bored enough…
(or kindhearted enough) who would like to assist me
personally, my email is sirulian@hotpop.com.
:ne: thanks a whole lot.