Your tutorial *"Creating Full Flash Site" *was very helpful for me as a novice in the usability of Flash. Anyway, Thank You a lot for that., ha! You exactly give me idea about that in mind. So here, right now, I was planning to build a website but is these case I would like to used the MenuBar Component instead the menu you had provided within the tutorial which in fact, I don't have any idea on how to use it exactly[such confusing in term of ACTIONSCRIPTS u know,.,.].
In other word, I would like to present a site that uses a User Interface Components such as MenuBar, ProgressBar, ScrollBar and etc.. In addition, it also has a page which contain a form to be fill up, which here I practiced to used the Accordion Component, but unfortunately I don't know how to placed a scroll Bar within it.
So, I hope that you'll gonna help me on that case... I'll wait for the tutorials and suggestions.
Please send me up also a sample Flash Document of simple working website with the said Components...please.
Thank You in Advance...:)
Note: I used Flash MX Professional 2004, few knowledge in AS