Full flash site

Good day to all!
Im pritty new to this forum, I have allready posted this subject…and you kind people helped me out, allthough, when I tryed what you sugested… just linking all your movies together… well it seems that when you get to the ‘contact page’ it is still the page…like home… and it dosnt layer overtop the first page… the first page text is on top the contact page… how can i make a new design or whatever all different every time like on www.arctic-cat.com
Thank you:sure:

I’m novice at this aswell, so the PRo’s here could probably help you out better. Though I’ll give it a shot!

You can make a movie for each button, so if you hva e a contact button it opens the contact movie, Info buttons opens the info movie.

Then you can make the buttons unload all the other movies except the one it should open
something like this (on your buttons)

on (press) {
tellTarget ("_root.yourmovie") {
tellTarget ("_root.yourmovie") {
}//this closes the movie (put like an close effect in wished frame and set the “gotoandplay” to that frame))
tellTarget ("_root.yourmovie") {
}//this opens the new window
on (release) {

There is probably a better way, like I said i’m new at this but maybe this can help you a littlebit!

Good luck!

Thank you i’ll try it out…

Hey it says that the code is rong…

Ooops, sorry about that, wrong code, or this code works aswell, though you have to change some small details…

i’m in a rush, though I’ll try to explain it to you…

in your main movie make a movie clip lets call it “infoMC”
put some content in the movie clip ion frame 2 make shure frame one is emty… put a stop action on frame one.

now you can’t see the “infoMC” if you preview it.

Wat you want is that when pressing on the info button, you want to see the conten of your “infoMC” movie thus make it goto frame 2 in “infoMC” movie, the code for that is
(on button)

on (press) {
tellTarget ("_root.infoMC") {

then you can add a close button in the content itself…

If you have other windows open that you want to close add this to your button(s) say your “infoMC” is open and when you press about button you want to close the infoMC
use this

tellTarget ("_root.infoMC") {

(cause frame 1 in your infoMC was blank it disapears…)

hope this made you a bit wiser, I just got confused, but I think it will work…

Good Luck