Full screen exe/app


Been re-working a couple flash as3 movies that are to be exported as exe and app.

They call in a few external flv’s, swf’s, and a few external images.

Now, the old versions were kindof a mess, so I have been cleaning it up, and got it mostly down to a single frame, with no objects on the stage until I call them out via action script from the library.
So far so good…

At the top of my as is the line:
this.stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;

In the old versions this worked fine, but now in my re-worked version, the screen does open in full screen like it is supposed to, but the items on my stage are not expanding to the full screen size along with the stage itself.

Was wondering what I should look for that could be messing it up?

Thanks in advance.