I’m working on a series of Flash tutorials that will be projector files included on a software CD. These tutorials need to be full-screen (which I’m doing by fscommand) and the user needs to be able to pause the tutorial, escape (esc key) out of it, so that they can go try an example they’ve just watched in the application itself. Then they need to resume the tutorial. I’ve found that when resuming (clicking on the Flash Player application which is minimized in the taskbar) that it is no longer full-screen, but has the Windows chrome around it. I know that the user can choose ‘View/Full-Screen’ to return to that mode, but I’m not counting on them doing that, and don’t want them to have to. Is there some ActionScript or another fscommand that will return it to full-screen once they return to the tutorial? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
i think you can do and onResize fscommand function listener, and then from that just restate the fscommond, kinda like so…
fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
[COLOR=#666666]myListener[/COLOR] = new Object(); [COLOR=#666666]
myListener[/COLOR].onResize = function () {
fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
try that, it might work.