ok…so im trying to implements fullscreen into my flash site…
so with that…i came up (with some tutorials) with this
the problem is that, if you resize the window a couple of times(like if you hit restore down and maximize window a few times…about 5-10xs), its like the effect breaks…the worse browser tends to be google chrome but others too…
and by “breaks” i mean that graphics go all wonky…in other browsers like f.fox, some elements spring back and some dont.
heres what it looks like on g.chrome
on other browsers it doesnt happen as often or as bad BUT it does happen and when it does, it more on the form of that some of the elements wont spring back into place…
i need help , ive been stuck for about a month…took this long to ask for help because, i figured i did something wrong so i looked for other Fscree/ Fs alignment tutorials but i always get the same thing…
any ideas?