Following problem:
I take the FLVPlayback-Component and drag it onto the stage. I enter the source URL of my FLV and of the skin. Then I put it online, to test it.
In the Internet Explorer, everything works well.
In Firefox, at first: yes, it works too. I click on the fullscreen-button, it switches to fullscreen. And with ESC or clicking the button again, I get back to the normal view.
However: if I exit the fullscreen view via ESC and not by clicking the button again, then I can’t enter the fullscreen view again, until I restart the browser. Then it works again. Using the buttons I can switch back and forth, except if I use ESC, then it won’t work anymore. Except maybe once every 50 clicks or so. Clicking the fullscreen button after having exited fullscreen mode earlier, the browser flickers for a second, seemingly switch the mode to fullscreen for a fraction of a second and instantly exiting again.
After wasting lots of hours on this, I found out following:
- it does not depend on my Firefox alone, I tested it on several computers and everywhere the same symptons
- it does not depend on how I embed the swf-File into the page. I tried it with and without SWFObject
- it does not depend on the swf-File in general, since I don’t do anything wrong there (there ain’t much to do wrong when you just enter a skin- and flv-URL)
- if I create a button myself that forces the app to go fullscreen, that works. The one in the playback component has still the same problems.
As such: the FLV-Playback-Komponent seems to be broken. I use version 2.1.something. I tried using 2.5, but just by dragging it onto the stage I’m bombarded with error messages that seem to tell me I didn’t import necessary files, and those don’t go away even if I import fl.*.
I even tried adding my own EventListener to the fullscreen-button of the playback component to force it to go fullscreen with my own code, that didn’t change anything.
I could remove the button, or just choose a skin without fullscreen, and keep adding my custom button. But that wouldn’t solve the problem.
Anyone go any ideas? Thanks for reading.
Tried now reinstalling Firefox, disabling all Addons etc, still doesn’t work.