Function call from array entry

Hi all,

Is it possible to call a function from an array entry. I’m attaching MC’s using a loop and an array for the names of the MC’c (which are used as btn’s), and then a seperate array to try and give the MC’s onRelease functions.?
The trace works but the functions don’t

content_arr = [“one”, “two”, “three”];
action_arr = [funOne(), funTwo(), funThree()];
for (var n = 0; n<content_arr.length; n++) {
contentBtn = holder_mc.attachMovie(“btn_mc”, “btn_mc”+n, n+1);
contentBtn.wName_txt.text = content_arr[n];
contentBtn._x = (n%3)*80;
contentBtn.toDo = action_arr[n];
contentBtn.onRollOver = function() {
changeColor(this.wBase_mc, 0xffcc00);
contentBtn.onRollOut = function() {
changeColor(this.wBase_mc, 0x999999);
contentBtn.onRelease = function() {
changeColor = function (tar, col) {
weightColor = new Color(tar);
funOne = function () {
trace(“This is function one”);
funTwo = function () {
trace(“This is function two”);
funThree = function () {
trace(“This is function three”);
