Function Keys on a Macbook

Quite recently I bought myself a MacBook Pro and Ive never got round to figuring out when Im using Flash, how I make the Function keys do Flash commands rather than work the sound & the Dashboard.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Cheers :slight_smile:

Hold down your fn key (bottom left) :slight_smile:
Where 'bouts are you in Scotland? - we’ve got a wee community of scot flash developers over at


System Prefs > Keyboard & Mouse > Keyboard Tab > Check “Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys”

I turn mine off too… no need for exposé and junk on my functionz

Oh cool. I forgot I posted this. I’ll give it a bash tonight.

I’m from Dundee but I live in Glasgow, I post on other forums as upcloseandpixelated. I’ve had a nosey on Scotflash before actually but never registered.