Function Not Working

I don’t get why my menu dropdown function is not working. It works when I put the instance name of the dropdown menu in, but when I try to use eval for the instance name it won’t work. This code is giving me the problem.

menuopen(eval("d"+q), -219, 0);

This is most of my AS

///Button Functions///

function menuclose(item, beg, end) {
	var butclose:Tween  = new  Tween(item, "_y", Strong.easeOut, beg, end, .3, true);
	var maskclose:Tween  = new  Tween(eval(item+"mask"), "_y", Strong.easeOut, beg, -225, .3, true);

function menuopen(item, beg, end) {
	var butopen:Tween  = new  Tween(item, "_y", Strong.easeOut, beg, end, .3, true);
	var maskopen:Tween  = new  Tween(eval(item+"mask"), "_y", Strong.easeOut, beg, end, .3, true);

function butup(item) {
	if(dropup1 != null){
	var butin:Tween  = new  Tween(item, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 12, .5, true);

function butdown(item) {
	var butin:Tween  = new  Tween(item, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 12, 0, .5, true);

///Button Actions///

//Buttons on the main nav bar
var q:Number = 1;

b1.onEnterFrame = function(){
	eval("b"+q).onRollOver = function() {
	menuopen(eval("d"+q), -219, 0);

	eval("b"+q).onRollOut = function() {
	dropup1 = setInterval(menuclose, 1000, eval("d"+q), 0, -225);

	eval("b"+q).onReleaseOutside = function() {
	dropup1 = setInterval(menuclose, 1000, eval("d"+q), 0, -225);


	if(q == 3){ delete this.onEnterFrame; }