Everything worked fine up until the point we changed the way the the data was being read into Flash.
When I hard code DefaultValue1 I can trace the parsed data. But when I use LoadVars() to load it from the textfile i can’t.
Any ideas?
c = new LoadVars();
c.onLoad = function() {
DefaultValue1 = this.DefaultValue1;
DefaultValue1 = "image100439.jpg:New Brunswick:Beautiful House~image100440.jpg:New Brunswick:OK House~image100431.jpg:New Brunswick:Average House~image100427.jpg::~image100428.jpg::~image100430.jpg:New Brunswick:Beautiful House~image100432.jpg:New Brunswick:Beautiful House~image100433.jpg:New Brunswick:Beautiful House~image100434.jpg:New Brunswick:Beautiful House~image100435.jpg:New Brunswick:Beautiful House~image100436.jpg:New Brunswick:Beautiful House~image100437.jpg:New Brunswick:Beautiful House~image100438.jpg:New Brunswick:Beautiful";
//DefaultValue1 = DefaultValue1;
var receivedData = {photos:new Array(), texts:new Array(), folders:new Array(), captions:new Array()};
function Parse() {
var temp1 = DefaultValue1.split("~");
for (var i = 0; i<temp1.length; ++i) {
var temp2 = temp1*.split(":");
myText.text = receivedData.photos;
trace("The Photos Are:"+receivedData.photos);
Thanks so much