Functions random calling

hi all,

I was able to find different threads about random loads: the most are photocontainer, well I also found a text random loader
But I can’t find some about function random calling: in a site I’m building I have three functions (but other will be added) that when called in callback change general graphic appearance, loading a dozen of different parts in various container with attachMovie; I wish a function that loads them randomly

Actually I’m trying:
//variable “funArr” with the three function names
var funArr:Array = new Array(“montaspazio”, “montabilancia”, “montaaereo”);
//Populating variable “quale” with funArr
var quale = funArr;

function randomFun() {
var funQuale = Math.round(Math.random()*(quale.length-1));
// using a dynamic text field to control
testoQuale.htmlText = (quale[funQuale]);

Now, what I have to do?
Maybe I need to tie randomFun return to a variable then calling it … how ???
I need some help, getting lost

thank you all in advance