Functoins (F 5)

hey i wanted to know how to execute a funtion automatically ( without havin the user to click… like say on load of a movie clip… or entering a frame…wats the exact code to execute a funtion? please help


but you have to know when you want to execute it. Everything in Flash happens according to events. You seem familiar with button events and user clicking, but you can also execute code in a frame event - which is when flash reaches a certian frame, or when a movieclip first appears on the screen in a load event… you just need to know when and how often before you can know where and how.

i tried that it dint work… but its ok… i figured it out thou… thanks… I have another question thou…

how do i get a value of a variable… var which is inside a funtion… how do i get it into another movie clip?

you prolly have to use something like loadFunctionName() or somethin like that
just a guess im no actionscripter