Hello Kirupians Im back, I finely got access to Kirupa again im very happy :snug:
I just bought the new Gainware Geforce 6600GT graphic card with 128 mb of ram on it, they said its better than the 9800pro so i bought it.
Now after installing and updating drivers and game updates, I finaly got it running, now when i bought it many games run and after playing 15 mins the pc restarts it self.
now after buying a big cooler to my hole pc, its running better, but in Doom3 I can play much without stopping, in HalfLife2 it restarts after 15 mins, in Source it does not, in Splinter Cell it does, and the main menu of Splinter Cell is not good, its in the buttom of the page but you see some to select.
In America`s Army game it plays perfect, also with combat flight sim 3.
should I change my product to the same but get a new one, or is it the games problem? I dont understand Im very confuced.
btw. I heard Nvidia is still doing the Official driver update to it soon, I got the beta, should I maybe wait to that to fix the problems.
Thank you very much for your help.
-Millad :sen: