Gallery Question

Hey I was browsing through the Desing forum, and noticed Edwins gallery, apart from all the nice art work, I really like his Gallery and it will save me alot of time with a couple of my websites…

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I am already searching the web for stuff. But if you know a couple of tuts that i can put together to get that, some pointers… or are brave enough to help me in detail!

Help me and you can win a Crate of Stolychnaya Vodka*

*[SIZE=1]odds mathematicaly insignificant, you alchoholic![/SIZE]

there is a reasonably similar component here:

That does the trick , thanks buddy!

I think the problem with most of these galleries is that they don’t dynamically load from a folder, instead they must be renamed to a certain format.

It would be cool if it could just load any pic dumped into the directory or find a number on the image name and load it, which is more convenient than renaming all the pictures :\

I would imagine that if you were to combine PHP and Flash, you could do exactly what you were saying dudeman. Basically, you can use PHP to read a directory and search for files with a certain extension (e.g. .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, etc.) within that directory. Once it reads it, it can insert the URL(or filename depending on where the files are located in relation to the PHP file which is being executed) of each file with one of those extensions into an array and then the rest of it would really consist of two things:

  1. Get Flash to receive the array from the PHP document.
  2. Get Flash to display every image within the array wherever you want them to be displayed.

I’m sure ahmed or one of the other resident Flash/PHP gurus could give you a push start if you wanted to head in that direction. I would but it’s a little out of my league =).

Actualy the link no bone gave does that, with the help of XML

Go figure ;). However, I don’t really know how to use XML and I was planning on working out how to do the PHP side of things anyway (I’m going to create one with only PHP and HTML - no Flash involved).

Hey, I really like your idea JK87… would you like to work on a php/flash gallery with me?