Game: Attacking Left and Right

well this is my 1-st try at makeing a game, and so far its going as i want it to.

but now i have a problem, i want my MC (Man) to be able to atack in 2 directions (Left and Right) depending on the _xscale (or something else), and i need help for the code.

here is what i have:

MC: Man
MC: Star (the thing that has to fly the way my MC (Man) is facing)

Plz help me in any way you can.

Look down a few posts. “Attacking in Multiple Directions”. It worked great for me.

allready did that before i posted, but no luck.

well i dont know wot ur variables are but i will guess from wot u have.

 onClipEvent (load) {
 	speed = 5;
 	ducking = false;
 	scale = 100;
 onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
 	if (Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) && ducking == false) {
 		_x -= speed;
 		_xscale = -scale;
 	} else if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) && ducking == false) {
 		_x += speed;
 		_xscale = scale;
 	} else if (Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)) {
 		ducking = true;
 	} else {
 		ducking = false;

i attached an FLA to if u want it.

nope thats not what i am looking for, i got the walking down and every thing its “Attacking Left and Right” i cant get to work.

Sorry just saw you can attach files, so if you want to have a look plz do.

well never mind, i just got it working (-:

Well same Game New problem.

the problem is when i jump up on the platform going upwards and walking on it, instead of my MC(Man) going up he just goes through the platform, what am i doing rong? help plz