Game Development

Hello there all fellow developers. Out of interest I was wondering how to you break the barrier when learning actionscript 3? For me it feels like I have hit this barrier and I need some resources that could help me in further development. For example I wonder how the hell actionscript developers design and construct games which are at times very good quality.

For me my ambition has been to create a flash game being a platormer or a turn based stragety game.

I have searched the internet for actionscript 3 game development techniques and forums and i just cant find any good sources.

Are there any good sources out there? any good advice or tips to design certian genres of games?

For example what actionscript and flash techniques are important when designing a platformer game or turn based stragdy game?

For example i learnt that you can use arrays to create tiles for a platformer game. but is there alternative meathods? for example i cant imagine that the developer would tile a platformer backround tile by tile.

Matthew (sorry if this post makes no sense)