Game Ideas!

Okay, I managed to overload my brain.
It’s currently smoldering… between all the stuff going on at work, and home, and everything, I completely derailed my train of thought for my Worlds RPG.
So, even though I wanted to complete the design doc soon, I decided to put it on hold, and back away for awhile… and work on something else to get my brain working again.

I’m thinking about putting together a Flash Game.
Nothing too elaborate, so that it would take me months/years to complete… just something small, and cool… and addictive :smiley:
Now, I had started working on a game a while back… which you can find HERE, but I never really got too much of it done, and don’t feel like going back to it…
I’m thinking my next game will be alot more complex than the Space Shooter one… perhaps something Zelda-ish… :slight_smile:
Well, I dunno, just kind of thinking out loud at this point… I haven’t really gotten anything worked out just yet…
And guys, don’t worry, I’ll be adding to my Worlds design doc during any down time that I’m at work… this is more of a home project…

As far as ideas so far… I’m thinking anything with a guy (or gal) with a sword would be cool… like i said, like a Zelda-style RPG, perhaps… :wink: other than that, I’m going to sleep on it, and come up with ideas in the morning, but if anyone has any ideas for something really awesome that they’d like to see in a small flash game, lemme know. :smiley: :beam: