
I was working with my hostfamily dad on the main pc of the house. And everything was working fine. We got a hdd out of it. Everything was working. Then i went downstairs, and pluged in the new hd in my pc ;D And my Dad was working on main pc. But what is he doing?!? I don’t know, he ruined it. I think he touched the graficcard while the pc was on… No the pc got stuck, when it should show the Windows Logo. s****
I hope i get that stuff working again…

mine was doing the same thing the other day. make sure you have the hdds set to the right setting with the jumpers, ie: master and slave. if theres 2 masters plugged in they’ll both try to start up with their os and it’ll freeze

hope this helps :slight_smile:

I really tried everything, but it is not working, right now i’m on this old notebook, with a 13’ monitor ;p

ouch, 13 incher, that makes for some bad gaming and internet browsing. whats the max resolution on that bad boy? 640x480?

again, make sure the jumpers are in the right spot, there should be a diagram on the part where the manufacturer and crap like that is located. one needs to be master (make sure its not single drive master) and the other needs to be slave. the master should be the one that you have the os you want running on

*Originally posted by hojo *
ouch, 13 incher

I cannot COUNT the amount of times I have heard that…


LMFAO SS…good one :wink:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:



hehe, oki, I’m back on with a new machine and i love it.
Pentium 4 2.4Ghz
Kingston 1024 DDR Ram
2 x 120GB Maxtor 8mb Cache in Raid 0
20GB System hd…

Glad to hear you got the systems working on it bro…

I was gonna suggest that maybe your dad pulsed some static electricity through the thing and that’s what caused it to **** up :slight_smile:

right, that was the problem. He toasted the board…