Generated design -> vector file?

Here’s something that I’ve been pondering lately…

Let’s say that I create a pretty nice generated design piece in flash. Since everything is generated, there is really nothing going on in the timeline–you can only see it when playing the swf.

is there a way to convert this into a normal movie file, or better yet, being able to convert what’s being generated into flash keyframes (to keep things nice and vectory and lovely).

My overall mission is to take a single frame of this generated beauty, and be able to convert it into an illustrator file, so I can make a perfect, and large scale print of it. If this is not possible, I’d like to make an ultra high res image of it.

There has to be some way to do this by thinking creatively. Any ideas? Has this been done before? Am I bringing up a tired topic? Let me know! :slight_smile:
