Generating documents with php and mysql

Howdy, tis me again. Got a question about making documents such as PDFs, Docs or even RTFs and Txt files.

I have read up on some tutorials for PDFs and Docs, but it seems as if I need a Windows Server, where as I have a Linux host. So I am unable to create dynamic documents and install any plugins or libraries as I’m on a shared host. So if you know of any simple classes or tutorials please let me know! :slight_smile:

Basically I need it so that when a user clicks on a link it will generate information in the file and then download. Any file format will do I guess as longs as it stores the correct information and downloads etc.

any ideas and suggestions would be much appreciated!

Thank you!

You can create PDF’s ‘on the fly’ with PHP in Linux without problems. Check this class and the example:

Have you tried any class? Why you say that u need a windows server? That is a stupidity… PHP works much better over linux. In fact the Windows Server PHP is a “false” and very limited PHP.

In a shared host you cant install modules/libraries, only in excepcional cases (your isnt)

The simpliest way is to it with text files (dealing with pdf and rtf with php can really be a pain in the ***)