I’m trying to set up a calculator for a couple of formulas I need to use for some schoolwork. I thought it would be a lot easier if I could just put the numbers in there and hit enter.
I can’t figure out how to transfer the numbers from the input box to the dynamic box though =/. I figured I’d try to get going really easy, just do a input box, when you click on a button, a dynamic box displays whatever is in the input box. I cant get it to work though :(. I tried various variations of codes, Heres some of them:
this.btn.onRelease = function(){
var myvalue = this.inp
this.btn.onRelease = function(){
this.outp = myvalue
var myvalue = this.inp
this.btn.onRelease = function(){
setProperty(_root.outp, myvalue)
btn = the button
inp = input box
outp = output box
I couldn’t find any tutorial on this, so I just kind of tried a bunch of things hehe.
Any of these going in the right direction atleast :S?
Thanks a lot for your help !