getElementById IE6 bug

I’m having a problem getting part of my code to work in IE6 and IE7. I’ve looked up my problem (which is with getElementById I think), and tried the solutions that are out there - but I still can’t get my code to work.

I have a div, that when you click on a button:

<a href="#" onclick="showDowntown('downtownflash'); return false;" class="rehobuttons"></a>

, the div opens, and a swf is shown. Inside of that swf I have:"hideDowntown");

on the last frame.

That code on the last frame communicates back to my html file, and picks up some javascript:

function showDowntown(id) {
		document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block';
	function hideDowntown(id) {
		document.getElementById('downtownflash').style.display = 'none';

That javascript (hideDowntown) then tells the div to close.

So what that code does (in all browsers but IE6 and IE7) is once the button is clicked, the div opens, showing a swf, and at the end of the swf, the div closes again.

What is not happening - is my div with the swf in it is not closing in IE6 or IE7. I don’t think this has anything to do with my code necessarily, but rather a bug in IE6 and IE7 that cannot pick up getElementById code.

Anyone know of any fixes for me?

Thanks so much!