[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444][SIZE=1]This is gonna cost me my every last nerve, I swear … here’s what I’m trying to get done:
[]User comes to my “work” page (= subhome of my portfolio area)
[]While the user reads some text, I want to present a looping slide show that consists of 10 mc’s (“container01” … “container10”), with an image in each container
[]“container01” is supposed to be visible for 3 seconds then fade out (_alpha to 0) within one second to reveal “container02” beneath it. “container02” remains visible for 3 seconds then fades out within one second etc. etc. …
[]The images within each container are going to be changed frequently, so sticking all the container mc’s in one “monster mc” with a “gotoAndPlay(1)” isn’t really an option[/list]
What I have so far is:[list]
[]A slide show container mc (slideshow_mc) with one frame and ten levels
[]“container01” to “container10”, each on one level in slideshow_mc
[]“container01” contains an mc with a jpg in it (jpg01_mc), “jpg01_mc” fades out in one second
[]The first frame of each container has the following code attached to it:[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=courier new][COLOR=crimson]stop();
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(getTimer() >2999){
this.onEnterFrame = null;
[*][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#444444][SIZE=1]for the subsequent containers, I simply increased the time by 4000 each - and bingo, I have a beautiful (or so I thought) slide show …[/list]
Everything works just fine until the last image has faded out … since there doesn’t seem to be a way to reset/restart the timer, I simply have no clue how to get the sucker to loop back to the first image and start over …
Is this approach a dead end? I’m increasingly getting the feeling that I can’t “see the forest for all the trees”, I’ve been sitting over this for way too long and my brain feels like jello … is there an easier way to accomplish this?
Any help/hints/tips/code snippets you guys can provide would be wonderful!!
p.s. if it’s of any help, I’ll gladly post a test .fla[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]