Getting and Using Post data

I’m modifying the xml slide show animation to dynamicly show pictures for various items. The xml is being generated by a php script which returns the xml.

I want to pass one numeric value to the animation which will pass it to the php script generating the xml.

I guess the first question is can I? I am planning to use something like this to reference the flash animation

Partial snip:

<embed src="xml_pg_final.swf?<? echo $item_id; ?>" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="640" height="480" name="xml_pg_final" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="[](" />

then I want to pass that value to the php script generating the xml


All I’ve added from the tutorial is “?item_id=1538” and changed the file to the php code generating the xml. I get the desired result and that part looks good.

I can’t find any tutorials on how to accomplish this in action script.