Getting drunk in London

I will be down in London on the 7th of June (A Wednesday) and myself and some members from the wedoourownstunts forum will be meeting to drink copious amount of booze

posting a link to the same thread in WDOS, though I’m only doing this to show you at the moment there are 3 (maybe 4) of us and they are Kirupa members as well

fancy coming?

again, I think one-posters aren’t invited. Might sound harsh but I’m only in London one night and I don’t want to spend it talking to some guy with only one post trying to tell me all about the forum…no thanks

anyway, any londoners fancy meeting myself, frost_oni and Connolly from WDOS (and Kirupa) in a london pub on the 7th?

we’ll call it a cross-forum meeting :beer: