Is there a method to get an image output from an SWF embedded in a browser…
For example, I have a large form that does much math and in subsequent pages displays totals. My problem lies in that I want to allow the user to print, which is taken care of, but, I’d also like to have the output sent to an e-mail. IE…I need to send the images to an e-mail. Any idea how I would execute something like this?
I am trying to get an image, I know I could send the variables to a form mail script. But I have 500 or so output variables…calculated displays. Now, I need someone to get all of that information and it would be quite difficult to send all those in a formatted e-mail via formmail. So, here I am with a problem…
well…i don’t know how you could get the image.
you could have flash send the information through a form mail and when you receive it save it as a text file. then create a swf that would load that text file and display what the original user was seeing (according to the variables).