Getting parent/siblings in E4X

Hi guys!

My XML looks like this with afew more <item> tags.

		<name>a name</name>
		<image source="" thumb="">description</image>
		<image source="" thumb="">description</image>
		<image source="" thumb="">description</image>
		<image source="" thumb="">description</image>

And my actionscript which is on the timeline looks like this

var xml:XML;
var XMLloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
XMLloader.load (new URLRequest(""));

XMLloader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);

function xmlLoaded (event:Event=null):void
	xml = XML(;
	var images:XMLList = xml.item.image;

	var _randomArr:Array=uniqueRandoms(16,images.@thumb.length()-1,0,Math.floor); 
        // Function to get 16 random numbers from images.@thumb.length();
	var _random0:Number = _randomArr[0];
	var _random1:Number = _randomArr[1];

        loader00.source = images.@thumb[_randomArr[0]];
	loader01.source = images.@thumb[_randomArr[1]];

        loader00.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, showPicture00);
	loader01.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, showPicture01);

function showPicture00 (event:MouseEvent):void
		myLoader.source = images.@source[_randomArr[0]];
		addChild (myLoader);
		myLoader.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, removeLoader);
		myLoader.addEventListener (LoaderEvents.TRANSITION_END, completeHandler);
	function showPicture01 (event:MouseEvent):void
		myLoader.source = images.@source[_randomArr[1]];
		addChild (myLoader);
		myLoader.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, removeLoader);
		myLoader.addEventListener (LoaderEvents.TRANSITION_END, completeHandler);

What I want to do is to get all the images.@thumb from the <item> tag it is located in and display them elsewhere. I dont know which item tag to look in since it´s dynamic, so I need to trace parent or something like that.

Basicly trace which <item> it´s a child from and then get the all the @thumbs from that <item>

I hope I´m making any sense here! In the trace statement I get the description text from the thumb, confused there :slight_smile:

Anyways, would be very grateful if someone could help me out here
